Black Raspberry Vanilla & Snicker Doodle

With Valentines day lurking, I started to stock up cold process supplies in January for curing time. I had an idea to make three different types of soaps for Valentines day, one where I experimented with new oils and another where I worked with embeds. I also experimented with a drop swirl technique.

Here is the Black Raspberry and Vanilla Soaps with Buttercream and Snicker Doodle heart embeds on the tops. I made half the loaf with embeds and half with textured tops, personally I did the simplicity of the plain tops but it’s nice to try new things and work with new little molds.


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BYOC. The Cabin Fever Cure.

If your in New York then you know we have been buried every week in snow and ice. We were getting some serious cabin fever at our place. We decided to take our crafting out of the house and take a trip over to the Little Cupcake Bakery.

BYOC, Bring Your Own Craft was born.


Who doesn’t want to craft over cupcakes and hot chocolate in a cute Brooklyn bakery boutique? Cabin Fever? Cured.